这期教程适合所有的 3d 艺术家,对于我们来说,建模是最难掌握的。需要时间,周年的实践和错误,才能达到炉火纯青的地步。
MILG 11: Hard Surface Modelling Tactics for Cinema 4D。MILG11 覆盖了所有 Cinema 4D 的基本建模概念,
隐藏功能,关键性建模工具还有其他技巧教程。如果你想认真学习 C4D R18 建模,
MILG 11 绝对是你必看的 C4D 教程。
教程时长:25 小时 |视频编码: h264, yuv420p, 1440x810 30fps |文件大小 9.82 GB
教程语言: English(无中文翻译字幕) |包含工程文件
Of all the areas a 3D artist can learn, modelling is arguably the most difficult to master. It takes hours, weeks, months and years of practice and mistake making to reach the stage where you can decipher a mesh just by looking at it. Also, finding thorough training that focusses on more than just a few techniques and tools isn’t easy, especially if you’re a Cinema 4D artist. Mastering modelling in Cinema 4D has generally relied on finding what tutorials you can for Cinema 4D, then moving on to Maya and Max tutorials to fill the void. With MILG11: Hard Surface Modelling Tactics for Cinema 4D this is no longer the case. MILG11 is the missing link in Cinema 4D modelling, developed specifically for Cinema 4D artists and covering everything you need to know from fundamental modelling concepts to hidden features of key modelling tools. If you’re serious about learning modelling in Cinema 4D, MILG 11: Hard Surface Modelling Tactics for Cinema 4D is the ideal place to start.
目前本套教程国外售价为$ 129.00 USD,折合人民币约 1000 多元。
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